On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 4:34 AM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:

> One option is to abandon the idea and converge to using the same
> concept. Another option is to rename that rich data ("project
> operational metadata" ?) to avoid the confusion of calling with same
> name what is essentially two different things. That will open the door
> to defining "tags" on top of it.

I guess I'm still not seeing why binary is a hard requirement, but...

This is an interesting alternative which may give both sides
everything they want.  If this is the way we go I think the same WG
should handle the rich metadata and binary tags.  Generating binary
tags out of structured data sources should be pretty trivial, if we
really need to have an other layer of abstraction here.


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