Hi all,

I'm sad to say that:

* spammers are back - 100-odd pages have gone in over the weekend

* Cleanup was ineffective, with many spam pages still existing on the wiki (scroll through the NewPages link above)



On 28/02/16 01:11, JP Maxwell wrote:

I hope you feel better.

Just FYI, this is going full force in IRC right now.  I’ve bowed out as
the approach I was suggesting didn’t get traction.

I proposed to manually iterate on this to confirm precisely which change
solves the spam problem.  Once that has been identified we can revert
and come up with a proper patch.  Right now the assumption is that
disabling manual accounts will solve the problem (and it might).  As a
result the team is trying to solve for the consequences of not having
manual accounts.  Some bots currently use manual accounts among other
issues.  If the assumption is correct, these efforts will be worth it.
  However, if it isn’t it will have been a great waste of energy.

In any case have a good weekend everyone.  I’m off to eat some delicious
central Texas BBQ!

*J.P. Maxwell* | tipit.net <http://tipit.net> | fibercove.com

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Elizabeth K. Joseph
<l...@princessleia.com> wrote:

    We'll be getting together on Monday around 1700 UTC to work through
    this together in a debug session in #openstack-infra (I'm too sick
    this weekend, plus we need a time when more infra-root folks with
    the institutional knowledge are around).

    On Feb 27, 2016 05:37, "Marton Kiss" <marton.k...@gmail.com
    <mailto:marton.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Yeah, the Settings.php was overriden by the latest puppet run.
        We need to wait for some infra guys to approve my patches and
        make it permanent:
        https://review.openstack.org/285669 Disable standard password
        based auth
        https://review.openstack.org/285672 Disable mobile frontend


        On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 2:27 PM JP Maxwell <j...@tipit.net
        <mailto:j...@tipit.net>> wrote:

            FYI. Still seeing the mobile view...

            J.P. Maxwell | tipit.net <http://tipit.net> | fibercove.com

            On Feb 27, 2016 6:53 AM, "Marton Kiss"
            <marton.k...@gmail.com <mailto:marton.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Yes, applied them manually. Let's wait a few hours, and
                check for new spam content / user accounts.

                JP Maxwell <j...@tipit.net <mailto:j...@tipit.net>>
                (időpont: 2016. febr. 27., Szo, 13:50) ezt írta:

                    Cool. Are these applied? Any indication it has
                    stopped the spam? Should we clear out these non
                    launchpad accounts from the DB?

                    J.P. Maxwell | tipit.net <http://tipit.net> |
                    fibercove.com <http://fibercove.com>

                    On Feb 27, 2016 6:47 AM, "Marton Kiss"
                    <mailto:marton.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                        And the mobile frontend will be disabled
                        permanently with this patch:
                        https://review.openstack.org/285672 Disable
                        mobile frontend


                        On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:39 PM Marton Kiss
                        <mailto:marton.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                            I made some investigation, and it seems to
                            be that the spam pages are created by
                            accounts registered with password accounts,
                            and the launchpad openid auth is not
                            affected at all.

                            So the spam script is creating accounts like
                            mysql> select * from user where user_name =
                            *************************** 1. row
                            user_id: 7494
                            user_name: CedricJamieson
                            user_real_name: Cedric Jamieson
                            user_newpass_time: NULL
                            user_email: balashkina.evdok...@mail.ru
                            user_touched: 20160227052454
                            user_token: 7c39e44e849fb0e2bfae8790d6cc1379
                            user_email_authenticated: NULL
                            user_email_token_expires: 20160305052441
                            user_registration: 20160227052441
                            user_editcount: 2
                            user_password_expires: NULL

                            The user_password field is always filled
                            with a value, meanwhile this field of
                            non-infected user accounts with openid
                            logins is empty.
                            We have 423 total accounts with passwords:
                            mysql> select count(*) from user where
                            user_password != '';
                            | count(*) |
                            | 423 |
                            1 row in set (0.00 sec)

                            Mediawiki logs-in the newly created users
                            without any preliminary email confirmation,
                            right after the registration. I disabled the
                            standard user login page, as described here:

                            And I made this patch to make it permanent:
                            https://review.openstack.org/285669 Disable
                            standard password based auth

                            Just for the record, the last spam user account:
                            7536 | EarthaChester22


                            On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 8:31 AM Marton Kiss
                            <mailto:marton.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:


                                I created the following patch, infra
                                cores must approve that:
                                https://review.openstack.org/285641 Add
                                ssh key of JP Maxwell to wiki.o.o


                                On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 6:41 AM JP
                                Maxwell <j...@tipit.net
                                <mailto:j...@tipit.net>> wrote:

                                    Marton has SSH access and applied a
                                    patch earlier today. It appears the
                                    spam continues to flow:


                                    Marton let me know if you can look
                                    at it some more or Infra if you want
                                    to give me SSH I'll do so as well in
                                    the morning (public key attached).


                                    J.P. Maxwell / tipit.net

                                    On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 12:09 PM,
                                    Jimmy McArthur <ji...@openstack.org
                                    <mailto:ji...@openstack.org>> wrote:

                                        Super thankful for all the folks
                                        that have jumped in over the
                                        last couple of days to help with
                                        the puppetization, etc... I just
                                        feel like we're taking a very
                                        wrong approach here.

                                        Paul Belanger wrote:

                                            Right, and I don't have an issue 
with that approach.  Based on the work we did
                                            yesterday, anybody can do that via 
our workflow. Please submit a patch to
                                            puppet-mediawiki[1] and ping an 
infra-root in #openstack-infra IRC.

                                        What I'm proposing is the
                                        workflow is really meant for
                                        software, not for web
                                        applications. It's tedious and
                                        time consuming when what's
                                        needed here is a set of tests on
                                        the server. Submitting a patch,
                                        waiting for a +1, then getting
                                        on IRC to find someone with
                                        access (and time) to paste the
                                        logs is a pretty time consuming
                                        process for what should be a
                                        series of rapid-fire
                                        changes/fixes on the server.
                                        Especially when we're dealign
                                        with an active attack.

                                            We can then have somebody look at 
the logs.  I think it is more about scheduling
                                            the task since more infra-root as 
travling back from the mid-cycle last night
                                            and today.

                                        Right, this is my point. This
                                        has been going on for 3 weeks
                                        (or more). Tom Fifeldt was
                                        asking for help without
                                        response. And here we are
                                        through another week and no
                                        closer to stemming the flow.

                                        I'm fully aware what I'm
                                        proposing goes against what
                                        Infra and the OpenStack workflow
                                        is all about, but I'd ask you
                                        all to look at this from a web
                                        development perspective instead
                                        of a software development


                                            Last email from me, just on a 
plane.  Will follow up when I land.


                                                J.P. Maxwell |tipit.net 
<http://tipit.net>  [http://tipit.net] |fibercove.com
                                                On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 11:25 AM, 
Paul Belanger<pabelan...@redhat.com>
                                                On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 
11:08:18AM -0600, Jimmy McArthur wrote:

                                                    Given the state of the wiki 
a the moment, I think taking the quickest path
                                                    to get it fixed would be 
prudent. Is there a way we can get JP root access
                                                    to this server, even 
temporarily? We get 25% of our website traffic (2
                                                    million visitors) to the 
wiki. I realize we're all after the same thing,


                                                    spammers are not going to 
hit the dev environment, so there's really no


                                                    to tell if teh problem is 
fixed without actually working directly on the
                                                    production machine. This 
should be a 30 minute fix.

                                                I am still unclear what the 
30min fix is. If really 30mins, then it
                                                shouldn't be
                                                hard to get the fix into our 
workflow. Could somebody please elaborate.

                                                If we are talking about 
deploying new versions of php or mediawiki manually,
                                                not be in-favor of this. To me, 
while the attack sucks, we should be working
                                                2 fronts. Getting the help 
needed to mitigate the attack, then adding the
                                                changes into -infra workflow in 

                                                    I realize there is a lot of 
risk in giving ssh access to infra machines,


                                                    I think it's worth taking a 
look at either putting this machine in a place
                                                    where a different level of 
admin could access it without giving away the
                                                    keys to the entire 
OpenStack infrastructure or figuring out a way to set


                                                    credentials with varying 
levels of access.

                                                As a note, all the work I've 
been doing to help with the attack hasn't
                                                SSH access for me to wiki.o.o. 
I did need infra-root help to expose our
                                                configuration safely. I'd 
rather take some time to see what the fixes are,
                                                having infra-root apply 
changes, then move them into puppet.

                                                It also has been discussed to 
simply disable write access to the wiki if we
                                                really want spamming to stop, 
obviously that will affect normal usage.


                                                    Paul Belanger wrote:

                                                        On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 
10:12:12AM -0600, JP Maxwell wrote:

                                                            But if you wanted 
to upgrade everything, remove the mobile view


                                                            test in a 
dev/staging environment then deploy to production fingers
                                                            crossed, I think 
that would be a valid approach as well.

                                                        Current review up[1]. 
I'll launch a node tonight / tomorrow locally to


                                                        puppet reacts. I 
suspect there will be some issues.

                                                        If infra-roots are fine 
with this approach, we can use that box to test



                                                            J.P. Maxwell 
|fibercove.com <http://fibercove.com>
                                                            On Feb 26, 2016 10:08 AM, "JP 
<mailto:j...@tipit.net>  wrote:

                                                                Plus one except 
in this case it is much easier to know if our efforts


                                                                working on 
production because the spam either stops or not.

                                                                J.P. Maxwell 
|tipit.net <http://tipit.net>  |fibercove.com
                                                                On Feb 26, 2016 9:48 AM, 
"Paul Belanger"<pabelan...@redhat.com>
<mailto:pabelan...@redhat.com>  wrote:

                                                                    On Fri, Feb 
26, 2016 at 09:18:00AM -0600, JP Maxwell wrote:

really think you might consider the option that there is a


                                                                        in one 
of the extensions. If that is the case black listing IPs will



wild goose chase.

                                                                        I think 
this would be easily proven or disproven by making the questy
question impossible and see if the spam continues.

                                                                    We'll have 
to let an infra-root make that call. Since nobody would be
                                                                    able to
                                                                    use the 
wiki. Honestly, I'd rather spend the time standing up a mirror


for us to work on, rather then production.

Maxwell |tipit.net
<http://tipit.net>  |fibercove.com
                                                                        On Feb 26, 2016 9:12 
AM, "Paul Belanger"<pabelan...@redhat.com>


Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 08:10:34PM -0800, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:35 AM, Jeremy Stanley<fu...@yuggoth.org>


    On 2016-02-25 02:46:13 -0600 (-0600), JP Maxwell wrote:

        Please be aware that you can now create accounts under the mobile
        view in the wiki native user table. I just created an account for
        JpMaxMan. Not sure if this matters but wanted to make sure you
        were aware.

    Oh, yes I think having a random garbage question/answer was in


    previously preventing account creation under the mobile view. We
    probably need a way to disable mobile view account creation as it
    bypasses OpenID authentication entirely.

So that's what it was doing! We'll have to tackle the mobile view


Otherwise, quick update here:

The captcha didn't appear to help stem the spam tide. We'll want to
explore and start implementing some of the other solutions.

I did some database poking around today and it does seem like all


users do have launchpad accounts and email addresses.

I have a few hours before jumping on my plane and checked into


using QuestyCaptcha which according to docs, should almost be


spammers to by pass in an automated fashion. So, either our captcha

                                                                    is too

easy, or we didn't set it up properly. I don't have SSH on wiki.o.o


will have to check logs. I did test new pages and edits, and was



a next step, we might need to add additional apache2



blacklist IPs. I am reading up on that now.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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