Thanks Marton & Paul.
Marton, however the infra community wants to handle the puppetization of the
local settings file is fine with me. It is a very typical PHP app. Whatever is
done we should have an easy path to update it.
The MediaWiki version should also be updated to the latest version at some
So it seems like there are a few potential tasks around the wiki if we want to
stay on top of things. I’m happy to help drive this if it would be helpful.
Paul, thanks, let me know if I can be of any assistance.

J.P. Maxwell | [] | 
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Marton Kiss <> wrote:
It is using the openstack-infra's puppet-mediawiki module, and for first sight
this setting seems to be unmanaged by puppet. I not found any related entries in
system-config's wiki.pp. Would be great to ssh in, but just an infra core have
access for this instance. Maybe we could replace rlane's account with mine, he
is not maintaining the server as I know, but infra reviewers used to refuse
those changes. As I see this LocalSettings.php was generated during the
application installation process, but it could be moved somehow to puppet
I don't have this experience with mediawiki, but I think it is a typical php
app, and if it not implements an anti-pattern, we can add the config file to
puppet. But first of all we need to retrieve the existing file from an infra
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