One final thought, I recall on the mobile view there is a secret word
request in the account creation page:

So, this is probably already setup.  It's possible you only need to add the
triggers.   Though I might make the question something a human could
reasonably figure out if you want people to continue to be able to edit the
wiki in the meantime:

$wgCaptchaTriggers['edit']          = true;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['create']        = true;

J.P. Maxwell / <>

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 1:48 AM, JP Maxwell <> wrote:

> Hah. Well, I'm not entirely sure how this is setup to manage code
> changes.  I looked in GitHub and just see the puppet configs.  Not sure
> where or how I could push changes into LocalSettings.php, otherwise I'd be
> happy to do it :D   Gotta catch a little rest now, but will check in on
> this in a few hours.
> J.P. Maxwell / <>
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 1:43 AM, Tom Fifield <> wrote:
>> Cheers, that's exactly what we need someone to do.
>> On 23/02/16 15:34, JP Maxwell wrote:
>>> OK - so per the info here, you have to set the type of Captcha and add
>>> in editing and create page as triggers requiring Captcha.
>>> As an example to use QuestyCaptcha a the bottom of the LocalSettings.php
>>> file:
>>> And make sure the triggers are set:
>>> So, for example (you might want to change the questions), but the below
>>> should at least stop the bleeding?
>>> require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php";
>>> // Use this line ONLY if your MediaWiki version is 1.25 or newer:
>>> //wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha' );
>>> // Use this line ONLY if your MediaWiki version is older than 1.25:
>>> require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha.php";
>>> $wgCaptchaClass = 'QuestyCaptcha';
>>> // Add your questions in LocalSettings.php using this format
>>> $wgCaptchaQuestions[] = array( 'question' => "A question?", 'answer' =>
>>> "An Answer");
>>> $wgCaptchaQuestions[] = array( 'question' => 'How much wood would a
>>> woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?', 'answer' => 'as much
>>> wood as...' );
>>> $wgCaptchaQuestions[] = array( 'question' => "What is this wiki's
>>> name?", 'answer' => "$wgSitename" );
>>> // You can also provide several acceptable answers to a given question
>>> (the answers shall be in lowercase):
>>> $wgCaptchaQuestions[] = array( 'question' => "2 + 2 ?", 'answer' =>
>>> array( '4', 'four' ) );
>>> $wgCaptchaTriggers['edit']          = true;
>>> $wgCaptchaTriggers['create']        = true;
>>> J.P. Maxwell / <>
>>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 12:55 AM, Tom Fifield <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     For wiki.o.o, I believe this is at:
>>>     On 23/02/16 14:51, JP Maxwell wrote:
>>>         I did setup a wiki and have a look at this briefly.   Can you
>>>         confirm
>>>         what extensions you are loading?  When you setup the wiki it
>>>         generates a
>>>         localsettings.php file that lists the extensions:
>>>         Inline image 1
>>>         # Enabled Extensions. Most extensions are enabled by including
>>>         the base
>>>         extension file here
>>>         # but check specific extension documentation for more details
>>>         # The following extensions were automatically enabled:
>>>         wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmEdit' );
>>>         wfLoadExtension( 'InputBox' );
>>>         wfLoadExtension( 'SpamBlacklist' );
>>>         wfLoadExtension( 'TitleBlacklist' );
>>>         wfLoadExtension( 'WikiEditor' );
>>>         I think if you have that ConfirmEdit extension you can enable
>>>         captcha
>>>         when creating new pages / editing existing ones.  In addition,
>>>         there do
>>>         seem to be some spam extensions that come built in.
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