On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:37 AM, Lana Brindley <openst...@lanabrindley.com>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everyone,
> (Matjaz: my apologies for looping you in late to this conversation. If
> you're confused please feel free to contact me directly and I'll bring
> you up to speed).
> I've been working with the training guides team to try and determine how
> best for them to move forward. The main training guides development has
> functionally stalled, and Sean Roberts (who was leading that effort) has
> been uncontactable for some time. My understanding is that he has become
> busy with his own projects in recent months.

Sean led the last training guides meeting, but only for a half hour, and I
wondered if anyone brought up their difficulty getting ahold of him at that
meeting? Looking at Eavesdrop log:
none of this was brought up there.

Pranav, Roger, have either of you talked to Sean yet? Sean, what do you
think of this plan, can we put it on the next training team agenda?

> Currently, the training guides team has its own repo:
> https://review.openstack.org/gitweb?p=openstack/training-guides.git;a=summary
> and its own core team:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/360,members
> The only published training guides right now are the Icehouse guides
> (http://docs.openstack.org/icehouse/training-guides/content/), which are
> out of date, and unmaintained. We intend to take these down until (if)
> we can find a group willing to update and maintain them.

Yes, let's please remove.

> The labs (https://github.com/openstack/training-guides/tree/master/labs)
> are still being actively maintained by a small group of dedicated team
> members. They intend to move the labs to their own repo, and continue to
> function as a docs Speciality Team in their own right (we'll probably
> call them training labs or something, to help differentiate them from
> training guides as a whole).
That's great.

> I'm writing this email now in the hope that if someone has a particular
> objection they can raise it, or maybe you can think of some stumbling
> block that I haven't considered yet, before we go ahead and make these
> changes.

As Andreas mentioned, you need to find a home and team for the upstream
training slides. Please loop in Stefano for ideas.


> Feedback is, as always, very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Lana
> - --
> Lana Brindley
> Technical Writer
> Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia
> http://lanabrindley.com
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