On 25/11/16 17:51, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2016-11-25 17:41:07 +0000 (+0000), Miles Gould wrote:
I don't think this is an insurmountable problem: it should be possible to
allow users to switch between "code view" and "rendered view" for file-types
that support rendering.
Yes, it's "just" a matter of writing some code (and convincing cgit
upstream to support it). However, we already have automation to
continuously deploy rendered readme files and any other
documentation you want to write on docs.openstack.org or
readthedocs.org. Why would having a rendered readme at
be a better user experience than
http://docs.openstack.org/infra/bindep/readme.html ?
To add some detail, if you wanted to patch cgit, I believe you would
need to extend the filter API, to include something between about-filter
(https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/tree/cgitrc.5.txt#n666 ; this renders a
specific file differently in the 'about' tab of the repo) and
source-filter (https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/tree/cgitrc.5.txt#n690 ; this
renders all source code with a particular extension, in-place ), and
then patch the specific cgit instance config to use the new filter. I
don't know whether cgit upstream would be receptive to this change, and
I think OpenStack's existing infrastructure for documentation means
there's little gain from doing it.
Best Wishes,
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