On Fri, Nov 25 2016, Amrith Kumar wrote:

> I see a number of patches[1] which have been landed on this project but I 
> find 
> that at least the ones that were landed for Trove, and a random sampling of 
> the others all to be different from what you proposed below[2] in one 
> important aspect.
> In [2] you proposed a structure where the title of the document; or the 
> first, 
> and most prominent heading, would be the existing heading of the document, 
> and 
> the tags would be below that. In [2] for example, that was:
> "kombu - Messaging library for Python"
> and the tags would be in smaller font below that.
> What I see in [3] the patch for Trove and the proposed example [4] is:
> "Team and repository tags" as the first, and most conspicuous header, and the 
> header "Trove" below that.
> In some cases the second header is the same font as the "Team and repository 
> tags" header.

Just FTR, this also is why I -1ed the Telemetry patches.

Julien Danjou
// Free Software hacker
// https://julien.danjou.info

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