Armando, have a happy holiday!

From: "Armando M." <>
Reply-To: OpenStack List <>
Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 11:09 PM
To: OpenStack List <>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] stable/newton 'broken'

On 24 November 2016 at 11:12, Gary Kotton 
<<>> wrote:
The breakage is due to the fact that the projects do not have stable/newton 
branches cut.
This is something that I would have expected the neutron team to take care of 
as long as it was under the stadium/tent or whatever we want to call it.

Before [1] and [2] you were pulling from master all the time. You are in charge 
of your own project, so you are solely at fault of the issue you're complaining 


The fact that the l2gw was removed may have been an indication that it should 
not have been there. But we have a clear responsibility to the community about 
this. Was there are mail indicating that it is excluded from the stadium/tent. 
I do not recall. I just woke up one morning discovering that you did that. 
There was not much discussion there.

LOL, you genuinely made me laugh. If you don't stay plugged, whose fault is 
that again? The discussion for the governance update did not happen overnight.

It is really unclear how the patches that you added below would have solved the 
We have made sure that the vmware-nsx code is back up and running. I just hope 
that others are unaffected by this.

My patch specifically would have not solved the problem you claim it's caused 
by the recent neutron master changes. I am just highlighting that prior to that 
you were always pulling from master. With my change you could simply set 
BRANCH=stable/newton in [3] in the appropriate branch and you'd be good to go.


What I would like to see happen:

1.       L2gw gets a stable branch. At the moment the l2gw release team is non 
existent so community please advise how we can add cores
You can get hold of people [1] and ask them to make you join the team.


2.       Tap-as-a-service is added to the stadium and tent.
 How is this relevant to this discussion?

A luta continua

From: "Armando M." <<>>
Reply-To: OpenStack List 
Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 7:03 PM
To: OpenStack List 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] stable/newton 'broken'

On 24 November 2016 at 02:38, Thierry Carrez 
<<>> wrote:
Gary Kotton wrote:
> Please see - 
> Here we are pulling trunk as there is no stable version to use

Is neutron stable/newton really broken (like your subject seems to
indicate) ? Or only vmware-nsx stable/newton ? Since networking-l2gw and
tap-as-a-service are unofficial projects we can't guarantee that they
will create branches that match the official stable ones, so we should
try to avoid depending on them if possible...

This happens because the referenced projects have no newton branch and the 
consuming project's stable newton was pulling from the master branch (and [1] 
is the hack referenced below). The right fix would be to backport [2], create 
the stable branches of the projects to which vmware-nsx depends on and set the 
branch appropriately. This is what the neutron team does for the projects we 
look after.

This breakage was waiting to happen, and it just did.


Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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