On 11/24/16, 12:38 PM, "Thierry Carrez" <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:

    Gary Kotton wrote:
    > Please see - 
    > Here we are pulling trunk as there is no stable version to use
    Is neutron stable/newton really broken (like your subject seems to
    indicate) ? Or only vmware-nsx stable/newton ? Since networking-l2gw and
    tap-as-a-service are unofficial projects we can't guarantee that they
    will create branches that match the official stable ones, so we should
    try to avoid depending on them if possible...

[Gary] I Know that the vmware_nsx and midonet are broken. Until a few weeks ago 
the l2gw project was part of the big tent/stadium and it was removed. That was 
in trunk, but until then we had an obligation to have this working in 
In order for us to be able to work with and consume community feature we need 
to have links to this project. So at the moment we are between a rock and a 
hard place.

I think that the tap-as-a-service is creating a tech preview branch. Which will 
solve the issues

For L2GW the community has people using this stuff in production … So we just 
need to make sure that they do not upgrade to newton.
    Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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