On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 2:49 PM, gordon chung <g...@live.ca> wrote:

> On 28/09/2016 12:41 PM, Chris Dent wrote:
> >
> > * Information is not always clear nor clearly available, despite
> >   valiant efforts to maintain a transparent environment for the
> >   discussion of policy and process. There is more that can be done
> >   to improve engagement and communication. Maybe the TC needs
> >   release notes?
> +1 to release notes or something of that like. i was asked to give an
> update on the TC internally and it seems the only information out there
> is to read through backlog of meeting logs or track the items that do
> get raised to ML. even then, it's hard to define what deliverables were
> achieved in the cycle.
FWIW, the resolutions that passed are listed here:

> i found this updates page[1] but it seemed a little sparse so i imagine
> other stuff happened. i think more of this would help explain what the
> TC does and where it hopes to go because to be frank, i'm not sure what
> is in the scope of TC and what is not and i've been following the list
> and meetings for a while.
> [1] http://www.openstack.org/blog/category/technical-committee-updates/
> cheers,
> --
> gord
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