Hello! I am announcing my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack Technical Committee.
For those who do not know me, I have been involved with OpenStack since the very beginning, working for Rackspace as a core member of the Nova team. An internal job change took me away from active development after Essex, but since being hired by IBM, I've been back working on Nova since Kilo. As a result of this long involvement, I have always had a strong interest in helping to shape the direction of OpenStack, and if there is one thing people will agree about me, is that I'm never shy about voicing my opinion, whether the majority agree with me or not. Many of the earliest design decisions were very contentious, and while I didn't always prevail in those discussions, I felt that I helped move the conversation forward. More recently, I have participated in nearly all TC meetings for the last two years, and now would like to join the TC as a member. There seems to be a lot of concern about the impact of the Big Tent, and how all these new projects are diluting OpenStack, or somehow leading us astray from what we should be doing. In my opinion, this is all a distraction. Determining whether a project is "official" is simply a matter of controlling the branding of OpenStack, and not changing what OpenStack is. If there is room for improvement, it is in communicating what this means so that we eliminate the confusion for those who are coming to OpenStack without this historical knowledge. One thing I feel strongly about is that since the Mission Statement for OpenStack is "to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform...", that what we do should always advance cloud *computing*. So while I applaud the work being done by many of the telecommunication companies to push the limits of network virtualization, unless it is useful to making virtual machines communicate better, it really should be outside of OpenStack. I do recognize that this is not a clear distinction, since someone can always come up with a remote edge case where it could possibly be used, but we cannot be all things to all people (or all companies). Having a clear focus is important to success. OpenStack is now over 6 years old, and that is forever in technology terms. And while it has been continuously updated, these updates are restricted by the requirement that they remain compatible with previous versions, and, increasingly, that the updates are made with zero downtime. These are important goals, and some very amazing work has been done to make them a reality. But one of the consequences of this focus is that there is little serious discussion about potential architectural changes that would greatly improve OpenStack, if it requires downtime or breaking backwards compatibility. Suggestions for experiments along these lines are usually met with the (very valid, in my opinion) statement that we already have more development work than we can handle, so diverting some of our resources to explore other possibilities would set us further back. Unfortunately, this is the same argument that is used to justify the build-up of technical debt. I would like to see us begin to think about this, and have the TC direct this conversation, with input from operators, the recently-formed Architecture Working Group, developers from the various OpenStack projects, and any other interested parties. Yes, this is a "moonshot" idea [0], but I believe that it is essential for the long-term technical viability of OpenStack that we never stop looking ahead. I have a great deal of respect for the other candidates who are seeking a position on the TC, and thus understand that you, as a voter, have a difficult job in selecting only six. I would indeed be honored if you would support me. Thank you, Ed Email: e...@leafe.com Foundation Profile: http://www.openstack.org/community/members/profile/280 Freenode: edleafe Website: https://blog.leafe.com Twitter: @edleafe [0] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/moon_shot (definition 3) -- Ed Leafe __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: openstack-dev-requ...@lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev