Quoting Flavio Percoco (2016-01-25 16:06:36)
> On 20/01/16 13:23 -0430, Flavio Percoco wrote:
> >Thoughts? Feedback?
> Hey Folks,
> Thanks a lot for the feedback. Great comments and proposals in the many 
> replies.
> I've gone through the whole thread and collected the most common feedback.
> Here's the summary:
> - The general idea of planning some sort of stabilization for a project is 
> good
>   but considering a cycle for it is terrible. It'd be easier if development
>   cycles would be shorter but the 6-month based development cycles don't allow
>   for planning this properly.
> - Therefore, milestones are more likely to be good for this but there has to 
> be
>   a good plan. What will happen with on-going features? How does a project
>   decide what to merge or not? Is it really going to help with reviews/bugs
>   backlog? or would this just increase the bakclog?

There is still a option about having a sorter development cycle. As Thierry
said in a previous message in this thread:

"It is not entirely impossible that due to
events organization we'll accidentally have a shorter cycle (say, 4
months instead of 6) in the future here and there. I could totally see
projects take advantage of such a short cycle to place a "stabilization
cycle" or another limited-feature-addition period."

Would be nice to have more info about it. I guess if he mentioned it, it's
because they foundation already faced that possibility.

Ghe Rivero

> - We shouldn't need any governance resolution/reference for this. Perhaps a
>   chapter/section on the project team guide should do it.
> - As other changes in the commuity, it'd be awesome to get feedback from a
>   project doing this before we start encouraging other projects to do the 
> same.
> I'll work on adding something to the project team guide that covers the above
> points.
> did I miss something? Anything else that we should add and or consider?
> Cheers,
> Flavio
> --
> @flaper87
> Flavio Percoco
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