
In the older integrated release model we used to have a field that showed
"integrated-since" data about a project.  I was just reviewing the current
projects.yaml[1] file and noticed that there is no information in there
that shows how long a project has been under OpenStack governance.  That
data was useful to plot growth of overall project count, # of release
cycles a project has been under OpenStack governance, etc.  I realize there
are other ways of getting this information but this was a very easy place
to get this data for all projects at once...
Would it be feasible to add an "official-since" into projects.yaml?  The
value could tie to when the TC approves a project (since not all projects
have to adhere with the 6-month release itself).

Shamail Tahir
t: @ShamailXD
tz: Eastern Time
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