PTLs and release liaisons This is the first of what will likely be several emails describing differences in the way we will be handling release management for the Mitaka cycle. To start I want to make sure the expectations for communication are clear to everyone so there is no confusion or miscommunication about the other changes.
In the past we have had communication issues where project leads either didn't see or pay attention to release-related announcements like schedule milestones and deadlines. I want to improve that situation this cycle by being more direct about expectations so we are all operating with the same level of understanding. This email is being sent to you all individually, as well as to the openstack-dev mailing list, to improve the odds that all of you see it. I will not be taking this extra step for future emails. We will be using the "[release]" topic tag on the openstack-dev mailing list for important messages related to release management. You and your release liaison should configure your mailing list subscription and email client to ensure that those messages are visible to you so that you are aware of all deadlines, process changes, etc. Please go ahead and take those steps now if you have not already, because we will have several important messages going out this week and early next week. It's not clear what we will be doing with the cross-project team meeting this cycle. If we continue to hold the meeting, we may include release-related announcements there as an additional channel. You should not rely on that, though, as the mailing list will be the primary means of communication. Thanks, Doug __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: