> > I think you missed the most important option I mentioned in the thread - 
> > for 
> > the TC to engage more with the community and take an active technical 
> > leadership role in the design of OpenStack as a whole.
> +1
> I've been in this scene for about half a year now and the only
> reason I have any particular awareness of TC activities is because I
> dig for it, hard.

Believe it or not, the communication of what the TC is up to has
actually improved significantly over the last cycle, with those
regular TC Update posts from russellb, ttx, vishy & others:


The community engagement aspect I referred to up-thread was more
related to whether that communication channel is as bi-directional
as it could or should be.


> I voted in this most recent election mostly for novelty, not because
> I had a strong sense that I was engaging a representative process
> that was going to impact direction.

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