
At the Atlanta summit there was a session on removing python2.6
testing/support from the OpenStack Kilo release [0]. The Infra team is
working on enacting this change in the near future.

The way that this will work is python26 jobs will be removed from
running on master and feature branches of projects that have
stable/icehouse and/or stable/juno branches. The python26 jobs will
still continue to run against the stable branches. Any project that is a
library consumed by stable releases but does not have stable branches
will have python26 run against that project's master branch. This is
necessary to ensure we don't break backward compatibility with stable

This essentially boils down to: no python26 jobs against server project
master branches, but python26 jobs continue to run against stable
branches. Python-*client and oslo projects[1] will continue to have
python26 jobs run against their master branches. All other projects will
have python26 jobs completely removed (including stackforge).

If you are a project slated to have python26 removed and would prefer to
continue testing python26 that is doable, but we ask that you propose a
change atop the removal change [2] that adds python26 back to your
project. This way it is clear through git history and review that this
is a desired state. Also, this serves as a warning to the future where
we will drop all python26 jobs when stable/juno is no longer supported.
At that point we will stop building slaves capable of running python26

Rough timeline for making these changes is early next week for OpenStack
projects. Then at the end of November (November 30th) we will make the 
changes to stackforge. This should give us plenty of time to work out 
which stackforge projects wish to continue testing python26.

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-cross-project-future-of-python
[2] https://review.openstack.org/129434

Let me or the Infra team know if you have any questions,

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