Today, OpenStack makes placement decision mainly based on Compute demands 
(Scheduler is part of Nova). It also uses some info provided about platform's 
Compute capabilities. But for a given application (consists of some VMs, some 
Network appliances, some storage etc), Nova/Scheduler has no way to figure out 
relative placement of Network devices (virtual appliances, SFC) and/or Storage 
devices (which is also network born in many cases) in reference to the Compute 
elements. This makes it harder to provide SLA, support certain policies (e.g. 
HA or keeping all of these elements within a physical boundary of your choice, 
or within a given network physical boundary and guarantee storage proximity, 
for example. It also makes it harder to optimize resource utilization level, 
which increases the cost and may cause Openstack to be less competitive on TCO.

Another aspect of the issue, is that in order, to lower the cost per unit of 
compute (or said better per unit of Application), it is essential to pack 
tighter. This increases infrastructure utilization but also makes interference 
a more important phenomenon (aka Nosy neighbor). SLA requests, SLA guarantees 
and placement based on ability to provide desired SLA are required.

We'd like to suggest moving a bit faster on making OpenStack a more compelling 
stack for Compute/Network/Storage, capable of supporting Telco/NFV and other 
usage models, and creating the foundation for providing very low cost platform, 
more competitive with large cloud deployment.

The concern is that any scheduler change will take long time. Folks closer to 
the Scheduler work, have already pointed out we first need to stabilize the API 
between Nova and the Scheduler, before we can talk about a split (e.g. Gantt). 
So it may take till  late in 2016 (best case?), to get this kind of broader 
Application level functionality in the OpenStack scheduler .

We'd like to bring it up in the coming design summit. Where do you think it 
needs to be discussed: cross project tack? Scheduler discussion? Other?

I've just added a proposed item 17.1 to the
2.       "present Application's Network and Storage requirements, coupled with 
infrastructure capabilities and status (e.g. up/dn, utilization levels) and 
placement policy (e.g. proximity, HA) to get optimized placement decisions 
accounting for all application elements (VMs, virt Network appliances, Storage) 
vs. Compute only"


Uri ("Oo-Ree")
C: 949-378-7568
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