Hello Folks,

Based on today’s Neutron IRC meeting. I have modified the following wiki: 

You will find a new suction with the minimal requirements for Juno. If you have 
still some questions, please contact me directly.

I will start contacting each one of the owner directly and will update the 
table with the current Plugins and Drivers:

Kind Regards,


From: Hemanth Ravi <hemanthrav...@gmail.com<mailto:hemanthrav...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Monday, August 18, 2014 at 12:24 PM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Kedar K 
Deepak Gupta 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] [third-party] What tests are required to 
be run


Our CI is running the tests (non voting), but don't see it listed on the review 
for any patch. Is this due to missing logs? I would like to confirm this is the 
issue, will resolve this.


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Edgar Magana 
<edgar.mag...@workday.com<mailto:edgar.mag...@workday.com>> wrote:
Thank you Akihiro.

I will propose a better organization for this section. Stay tune!


On 8/17/14, 10:53 PM, "Akihiro Motoki" 
<mot...@da.jp.nec.com<mailto:mot...@da.jp.nec.com>> wrote:

>On 2014/08/18 0:12, Kyle Mestery wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Edgar Magana
>><edgar.mag...@workday.com<mailto:edgar.mag...@workday.com>> wrote:
>>> Team,
>>> I did a quick audit on the Neutron CI. Very sad results. Only few
>>> and drivers are running properly and testing all Neutron commits.
>>> I created a report here:
>>> _and_Drivers
>> Can you link this and/or move it to this page:
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronPlugins
>> This is under the "NeutronPolicies" wiki page which I did at the start
>> of Juno. This tracks all policies and procedures for Neutron, and
>> there's a Plugins page (which I linked to above) where this should
>> land.
>I just added the link Neutron_Plugins_and_Drivers#Existing_Plugin
>to NeutronPlugins wiki.
>The wiki pages NeutronPlugins and Neutron_Plugins_and_Drivers
>cover the similar contents. According to the history of the page,
>the latter one was created by Mark at Nov 2013 (beginning of Icehouse
>It seems better to merge these two pages to avoid the confusion.
>>> We will discuss the actions to take on the next Neutron IRC meeting. So
>>> please, reach me out to clarify what is the status of your CI.
>>> I had two commits to quickly verify the CI reliability:
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/114393/
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/40296/
>>> I would expect all plugins and drivers passing on the first one and
>>> failing for the second but I got so many surprises.
>>> Neutron code quality and reliability is a top priority, if you ignore
>>> report that plugin/driver will be candidate to be remove from Neutron
>>> Cheers,
>>> Edgar
>>> P.s. I hate to be the inquisitor hereŠ but someone has to do the dirty
>> Thanks for sending this out Edgar and doing this analysis! Can you
>> please put an agenda item on Monday's meeting to discuss this? I won't
>> be at the meeting as I'm on PTO (Mark is running the meeting in my
>> absence), but I'd like the team to discuss this and allow all
>> third-party people a chance to be there and share their feelings here.
>> Thanks,
>> Kyle
>>> On 8/14/14, 8:30 AM, "Kyle Mestery" 
>>> <mest...@mestery.com<mailto:mest...@mestery.com>> wrote:
>>>> Folks, I'm not sure if all CI accounts are running sufficient tests.
>>>> Per the requirements wiki page here [1], everyone needs to be running
>>>> more than just Tempest API tests, which I still see most neutron
>>>> third-party CI setups doing. I'd like to ask everyone who operates a
>>>> third-party CI account for Neutron to please look at the link below
>>>> and make sure you are running appropriate tests. If you have
>>>> questions, the weekly third-party meeting [2] is a great place to ask
>>>> questions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kyle
>>>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronThirdPartyTesting
>>>> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/ThirdParty
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