Thank you Akihiro.

I will propose a better organization for this section. Stay tune!


On 8/17/14, 10:53 PM, "Akihiro Motoki" <> wrote:

>On 2014/08/18 0:12, Kyle Mestery wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Edgar Magana
>><> wrote:
>>> Team,
>>> I did a quick audit on the Neutron CI. Very sad results. Only few
>>> and drivers are running properly and testing all Neutron commits.
>>> I created a report here:
>>> _and_Drivers
>> Can you link this and/or move it to this page:
>> This is under the "NeutronPolicies" wiki page which I did at the start
>> of Juno. This tracks all policies and procedures for Neutron, and
>> there's a Plugins page (which I linked to above) where this should
>> land.
>I just added the link Neutron_Plugins_and_Drivers#Existing_Plugin
>to NeutronPlugins wiki.
>The wiki pages NeutronPlugins and Neutron_Plugins_and_Drivers
>cover the similar contents. According to the history of the page,
>the latter one was created by Mark at Nov 2013 (beginning of Icehouse
>It seems better to merge these two pages to avoid the confusion.
>>> We will discuss the actions to take on the next Neutron IRC meeting. So
>>> please, reach me out to clarify what is the status of your CI.
>>> I had two commits to quickly verify the CI reliability:
>>> I would expect all plugins and drivers passing on the first one and
>>> failing for the second but I got so many surprises.
>>> Neutron code quality and reliability is a top priority, if you ignore
>>> report that plugin/driver will be candidate to be remove from Neutron
>>> Cheers,
>>> Edgar
>>> P.s. I hate to be the inquisitor hereŠ but someone has to do the dirty
>> Thanks for sending this out Edgar and doing this analysis! Can you
>> please put an agenda item on Monday's meeting to discuss this? I won't
>> be at the meeting as I'm on PTO (Mark is running the meeting in my
>> absence), but I'd like the team to discuss this and allow all
>> third-party people a chance to be there and share their feelings here.
>> Thanks,
>> Kyle
>>> On 8/14/14, 8:30 AM, "Kyle Mestery" <> wrote:
>>>> Folks, I'm not sure if all CI accounts are running sufficient tests.
>>>> Per the requirements wiki page here [1], everyone needs to be running
>>>> more than just Tempest API tests, which I still see most neutron
>>>> third-party CI setups doing. I'd like to ask everyone who operates a
>>>> third-party CI account for Neutron to please look at the link below
>>>> and make sure you are running appropriate tests. If you have
>>>> questions, the weekly third-party meeting [2] is a great place to ask
>>>> questions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kyle
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
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