On 18 July 2014 14:28, Andrew Laski <andrew.la...@rackspace.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to request a spec proposal extension for instance tasks,
> described in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86938/ .  This has been a long
> discussed and awaited feature with a lot of support from the community.
> This feature has been intertwined with the fate of the V3 API, which is
> still being worked out, and may not be completed in Juno.  This means that I
> lack confidence that the tasks API work can be fully completed in Juno as
> well.  But there is more to the tasks work than just the API, and I would
> like to get some of that groundwork done. In fact, one of the challenges
> with the task work is how to handle an upgrade situation with an API that
> exposes tasks and computes which are not task aware and therefore don't
> update them properly. If it's acceptable I would propose stripping the API
> portion of the spec for now and focus on getting Juno computes to be task
> aware so that tasks exposed in the Kilo API would be handled properly with
> Juno computes.  This of course assumes that we're reasonably confident we
> want to add tasks to the API in Kilo.

I see better task handling as a key to better organising the error
handling inside Nova, and improving stability.

As such I am happy to sponsor this spec.


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