Hello everybody,

I would like to request a spec proposal extension for instance tasks, described in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86938/ . This has been a long discussed and awaited feature with a lot of support from the community.

This feature has been intertwined with the fate of the V3 API, which is still being worked out, and may not be completed in Juno. This means that I lack confidence that the tasks API work can be fully completed in Juno as well. But there is more to the tasks work than just the API, and I would like to get some of that groundwork done. In fact, one of the challenges with the task work is how to handle an upgrade situation with an API that exposes tasks and computes which are not task aware and therefore don't update them properly. If it's acceptable I would propose stripping the API portion of the spec for now and focus on getting Juno computes to be task aware so that tasks exposed in the Kilo API would be handled properly with Juno computes. This of course assumes that we're reasonably confident we want to add tasks to the API in Kilo.


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