On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 05:57:46PM +0400, Dmitry Guryanov wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 July 2014 14:10:25 Michael Still wrote:
> > Joe has a good answer, but you should also be aware of the hypervisor
> > support matrix (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HypervisorSupportMatrix),
> > which hopefully comes some way to explaining what we expect of a nova
> > driver.
> I've seen this document. Honestly, its not clear, what nova driver developer 
> needs to implement.

Agreed, I don't really consider that document very useful in terms of
identifying what is the "minimal required functionality" for a usable
virt driver. It is far too terse / leaves out loads of detail.

> For example, there are 3 rows with graphical consoles: VNC, spice and RDP. 
> All 
> 3 consoles do the same thing, so I think VNC console support is enough, am I 
> right?

Currently the only ways to interact with a VM are over the network
(eg SSH) or via the graphical console (VNC or SPICE or RDP). I
think it is reasonable to say a method of interaction is required
that doesn't rely on the network/ssh. So currently I'd say at least
one of the graphical console methods is a requirement.

For Juno though, there is a blueprint adding support for direct
interactive serial console support. Once that lands, then I don't
think graphical console support should be a requirement - serial
console is a valid alternative to target.

> Also I think networking support should include vif types, which driver 
> supports (VIF_TYPE_BRIDGE, VIF_TYPE_OVS, VIF_TYPE_IVS and others), and if a 
> drivers claims to support VIF_TYPE_OVS it means than it supports all 
> features, 
> supported by openvswitch and ML2 neutron plugins (floating IPs, flat 
> networking, security groups, vlan networking).
> So is it enough to implement OVS vif type?

IIUC, VIF_TYPE_BRIDGE is the only one that works with Nova network, so
I'd consider that one a prerequisite. I'd probably suggest VIF_TYPE_OVS
is pretty close to a prerequisite too, since as you say, it enables a
lot of the Neutron functionality.

|: http://berrange.com      -o-    http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: http://entangle-photo.org       -o-       http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|

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