On Jul 3, 2014 11:43 AM, "Dmitry Guryanov" <dgurya...@parallels.com> wrote:
> Hi, All!
> As far as I know, there are some requirements, which virt driver must
meet to
> use Openstack 'label'. For example, it's not allowed to mount cinder
> inside host OS.

I am a little unclear on what your question is. If it is simply about the
OpenStack label then:

'OpenStack' is a trademark that is enforced by the OpenStack foundation.
You should check with the foundation to get a formal answer on commercial
trademark usage. (As an OpenStack developer, my personal view is having out
of tree drivers is a bad idea, but that decision isn't up to me.)

If this is about contributing your driver to nova (great!), then this is
the right forum to begin that discussion. We don't have a formal list of
requirements for contributing new drivers to nova besides the need for CI
testing. If you are interested in contributing a new nova driver, can you
provide a brief overview along with your questions to get the discussion

Also there is an existing efforts to add container support into nova and I
hear they are making excellent progress; do you plan on collaborating with
those folks?

> Are there any documents, describing all such things? How can I determine,
> my virtualization driver for nova (developed outside of nova mainline)
> correctly and meet nova's security requirements?
> --
> Dmitry Guryanov
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