Hi Erno,

Just looking for a little more information here. What are the particular
areas around keystone integration in the v2 api+registry stack that you
want to test? Is the v2 api + v2 registry stack using keystone differently
than how v1 api + v1 registry stack uses it?


On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:35 AM, Erno Kuvaja <kuv...@hp.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been trying to enable functional testing for Glance API v2 using
> data_api = glance.db.registry.api without great success.
> The current functionality of the v2 api+reg relies on the fact that
> keystone is used and our current tests does not facilitate that expectation.
> I do not like either option I have managed to come up with so now is time
> to call for help. Currently only way I see we could run the registry tests
> is to convert our functional tests using keystone instead of noauth or
> write test suite that passes API server and targets the registry directly.
> Neither of these are great as starting keystone would make the already long
> taking functional tests even longer and more resource hog on top of that we
> would have a need to pull in keystone just to run glance tests; on the
> other hand bypassing API server would not give us any guarantee that the
> behavior of the glance is the same regardless which data_api is used.
> At this point any ideas/discussion would be more than welcome how we can
> make these tests running on both configurations.
> Thanks,
> Erno
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