Hi all,

I have been trying to enable functional testing for Glance API v2 using data_api = glance.db.registry.api without great success.

The current functionality of the v2 api+reg relies on the fact that keystone is used and our current tests does not facilitate that expectation.

I do not like either option I have managed to come up with so now is time to call for help. Currently only way I see we could run the registry tests is to convert our functional tests using keystone instead of noauth or write test suite that passes API server and targets the registry directly. Neither of these are great as starting keystone would make the already long taking functional tests even longer and more resource hog on top of that we would have a need to pull in keystone just to run glance tests; on the other hand bypassing API server would not give us any guarantee that the behavior of the glance is the same regardless which data_api is used.

At this point any ideas/discussion would be more than welcome how we can make these tests running on both configurations.


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