Right, it could be solved by pool's member weights and appropriate
scheduling algorithm.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Jorge Miramontes <
jorge.miramon...@rackspace.com> wrote:

>   The use case from our customers has been mostly for database (MySql)
> load balancing. If the master goes down then they want another master/slave
> on standby ready to receive traffic. In the simplest case, I think Neutron
> can achieve this with 2 pools with 1 node each. If pool #1 goes down then
> pool #2 becomes active. We currently solve this with the notion of primary
> and secondary nodes. If all primary nodes go down then secondary nodes
> become active.
>  Cheers,
> --Jorge
>   From: Eugene Nikanorov <enikano...@mirantis.com>
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:35 AM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Requirements Wiki
>>>>    - Active/Passive Failover
>>>>       - I think this is solved with multiple pools.
>>>>  The multiple pools support that is coming with L7 rules is to support
>>>> content-switching based on L7 HTTP information (URL, headers, etc.). There
>>>> is no support today for an active vs. passive pool.
>>>  I'm not sure that's the priority. It depends on if this is widely
>>> supported among vendors.
>>  A commercial load balancer that doesn't have high availability
>> features? Is there really such a thing still being sold in 2014? ;)
> I might be missing something fundamental here, but we're talking about
> 'additional' HA at pool level? Why not just add nodes to the pool?
>>  Also, Jorge-- thanks for creating that page! I've made a few additions
>> to it as well that I'd love to see prioritized.
>>  Stephen
>>  --
>> Stephen Balukoff
>> Blue Box Group, LLC
>> (800)613-4305 x807
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