> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Dague [mailto:s...@dague.net]
> Sent: 31 January 2014 12:29
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Proposed Logging Standards
> On 01/30/2014 07:15 PM, John Dickinson wrote:
> > 1) Every log message is one line (ends with \n) and the log fields are
> > space-delineated. eg (`log_line = ' '.join(urllib.quote(x) for x in
> > log_fields_list)`)
+1 for this - multiple lines (even in in DEBUG mode!) are a PITA to handle with 
most log analyser software.

> > 2) The only definition of a log format is the prefix and the message is a 
> > set of
> fields defined by the service actually doing the logging.
> So, actually, most of my concern at this point wasn't the line format.
> It was the concern about when projects were calling the loggers, and what kind
> of information should be logged at each level.
> Given that most projects are using the oslo defaults today, much of the line
> format is handled. I think that if you have concerns on that front, it's 
> probably a
> different conversation with the oslo team.
> I do agree we should standards a little more on project (i.e. logger "name"),
> because in most projects this is just defaulting to module.
> Which is fine for debug level, but not very user friendly at ops levels.

I'd just love to see the ability in the python logger to include the 
application name, not just the class/module that created the log message (it's 
in 3.<something> but I don't think we can justify a switch to Python 3 just 
based on logging!):

<datetime> <LEVEL> <PID> <PROGRAM-NAME (i.e. nova-compute)> <module> <stuff> 
<more_stuff> <even_more_stuff>

At the moment, all of the above is possible except for the <PROGRAM_NAME> part. 
 Is there anything we can do to add this to the context or similar?


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