Hi Thomas,

I haven't looked at the details of the autoscaling design for a while, but
the first option looks more intuitive to me.
It seems to cover the same content as LaunchConfiguration, but is it
generic and therefore would provide for one common approach for all kinds
of resources.


Thomas Herve <thomas.he...@enovance.com> wrote on 30/01/2014 12:01:38:
> From: Thomas Herve <thomas.he...@enovance.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Date: 30/01/2014 12:06
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Heat] About LaunchConfiguration and Autoscaling
> Hi all,
> While talking to Zane yesterday, he raised an interesting question
> about whether or not we want to keep a LaunchConfiguration object
> for the native autoscaling resources.
> The LaunchConfiguration object basically holds properties to be able
> to fire new servers in a scaling group. In the new design, we will
> be able to start arbitrary resources, so we can't keep a strict
> LaunchConfiguration object as it exists, as we can have arbitrary
> It may be still be interesting to store it separately to be able to
> reuse it between groups.
> So either we do this:
> group:
>   type: OS::Heat::ScalingGroup
>   properties:
>     scaled_resource: OS::Nova::Server
>     resource_properties:
>       image: my_image
>       flavor: m1.large
> Or:
> group:
>   type: OS::Heat::ScalingGroup
>   properties:
>     scaled_resource: OS::Nova::Server
>     launch_configuration: server_config
> server_config:
>   type: OS::Heat::LaunchConfiguration
>   properties:
>     image: my_image
>     flavor: m1.large
> (Not sure we can actually define dynamic properties, in which case
> it'd be behind a top property.)
> Thoughts?
> --
> Thomas
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