On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Renat Akhmerov <rakhme...@mirantis.com>wrote:

>    - Keeping all the clients physically separate/combining them in to a
>    single library. Two things here:
>       - In case of combining them, what exact project are we considering?
>       If this list is limited to core projects like nova and keystone what 
> policy
>       could we have for other projects to join this list? (Incubation,
>       graduation, something else?)
>  FWIW, OpenStackClient has Identity built-in as very little else is useful
without it.  Compute, Image and Volume are in the repo but structured using
the new plugin system to make sure that works well.  Object-store is in the
repo but I consider it experimental as it also includes the project API
layer and my first cut at a common REST client.

I've already written a POC for solum and some other things to demonstrate
how to add additional projects simply by installing the python-*client
package.  https://github.com/dtroyer/python-oscplugin is a trivial example.

>    - In terms of granularity and easiness of development I’m for keeping
>       them separate but have them use the same boilerplate code, basically we
>       need a OpenStack Rest Client Framework which is flexible enough to 
> address
>       all the needs in an abstract domain agnostic manner. I would assume that
>       combining them would be an additional organizational burden that every
>       stakeholder would have to deal with.
> If it is not a library that is actually shared you will get back to the
current situation over time.

>    - Has anyone ever considered an idea of generating a fully functional
>    REST client automatically based on an API specification (WADL could be used
>    for that)? Not sure how convenient it would be, it really depends on a
>    particular implementation, but as an idea it could be at least thought of.
>    Sounds a little bit crazy though, I recognize it :).
> When you have stable and accurate documents of this sort, let's talk.  You
may have noticed that few (any?) of the recent major API revs are
documented in this manner...



Dean Troyer
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