Doug Hellmann <> writes: > Doug Hellmann <> writes: > >> Doug Hellmann <> writes: >> >>> Doug Hellmann <> writes: >> >>> I have filed requests with the maintainers of PyPI to claim the names >>> "keystone" and "congress". That may take some time. Please let me know >>> if you're willing to simply use "openstack-keystone" and >>> "openstack-congress" instead. I will take care of configuring PyPI and >>> proposing the patch to update your setup.cfg (that way you can approve >>> the change). >>> >>> * >>> * > > We haven't heard back about either of these requests, so I filed changes > with congress and keystone to change the dist names. > > * (congress) > * (keystone) > > Doug
Dan Crosta has very graciously given us the name "keystone" so I abandoned that patch, made openstackci an owner, and uploaded the previous release. The patch to rename congress is approved, but sitting on top of one or two other patches that also need reviews. The patch to rename heat is failing the grenade tests, and we could use some help with fixing the problem. I think we need an upgrade script that removes the old package before installing the new one. Does someone want to learn how grenade scripts work? Doug __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: