Doug Hellmann <> writes:

> Doug Hellmann <> writes:
>> Doug Hellmann <> writes:
>>> I think we are ready to go ahead and switch all of the python packaging
>>> jobs to the new set defined in the publish-to-pypi-python3 template
>>> [1]. We still have some cleanup patches for projects that have not
>>> completed their zuul migration, but there are only a few and rebasing
>>> those will be easy enough.
>>> The template adds a new check job that runs when any files related to
>>> packaging are changed (readme, setup, etc.). Otherwise it switches from
>>> the python2-based PyPI job to use python3.
>>> I have the patch to switch all official projects ready in [2].
>>> Doug
>>> [1] 
>>> [2]
>> This change is now in place. The Ironic team discovered one issue, and
>> the fix is proposed as
>> This change has also reopened the question of how to publish some of the
>> projects for which we do not own names on PyPI.
>> I registered manila, qinling, and zaqar-ui by uploading Rocky series
>> releases of those projects and then added openstackci as an owner so we
>> can upload new packages this cycle.
>> I asked the owners of the name "heat" to allow us to use it, and they
>> rejected the request. So, I proposed a change to heat to update the
>> sdist name to "openstack-heat".
>> *
>> We don't own "magnum" but there is already an "openstack-magnum" set up
>> with old releases, so I have proposed a change to the magnum repo to
>> change the dist name there, so we can resume using it.
>> *
> The owner of the name "magnum" has given us access, so I have set it up
> with permission for the CI system to publish and I have abandoned the
> rename patch.
>> I have filed requests with the maintainers of PyPI to claim the names
>> "keystone" and "congress". That may take some time. Please let me know
>> if you're willing to simply use "openstack-keystone" and
>> "openstack-congress" instead. I will take care of configuring PyPI and
>> proposing the patch to update your setup.cfg (that way you can approve
>> the change).
>> *
>> *

We haven't heard back about either of these requests, so I filed changes
with congress and keystone to change the dist names.

* (congress)
* (keystone)


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