On 09/28/2018 04:36 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
So here it is. Two of the top influencers in placement, one saying we
shouldn't overload traits, the other saying we shouldn't add a primitive
that would obviate the need for that. Historically, this kind of
disagreement seems to result in an impasse: neither thing happens and
those who would benefit are forced to find a workaround or punt.
Frankly, I don't particularly care which way we go; I just want to be
able to do the things.

I don't think that's a fair statement. You absolutely *do* care which way we go. You want to encode multiple bits of information into a trait string -- such as "PCI_ADDRESS_01_AB_23_CD" -- and leave it up to the caller to have to understand that this trait string has multiple bits of information encoded in it (the fact that it's a PCI device and that the PCI device is at 01_AB_23_CD).

You don't see a problem encoding these variants inside a string. Chris doesn't either.

I *do* see a problem with it, based on my experience in Nova where this kind of thing leads to ugly, unmaintainable, and incomprehensible code as I have pointed to in previous responses.

Furthermore, your point isn't that "you just want to be able to do the things". Your point (and the point of others, from Cyborg and Ironic) is that you want to be able to use placement to pass various bits of information to an instance, and placement wasn't designed for that purpose. Nova was.

So, instead of working out a solution with the Nova team for passing configuration data about an instance, the proposed solution is instead to hack/encode multiple bits of information into a trait string. This proposed solution is seen as a way around having to work out a more appropriate solution that has Nova pass that configuration data (as is appropriate, since nova is the project that manages instances) to the virt driver or generic device manager (i.e. Cyborg) before the instance spawns.

I'm working on a spec that will describe a way for the user to instruct Nova to pass configuration data to the virt driver (or device manager) before instance spawn. This will have nothing to do with placement or traits, since this configuration data is not modeling scheduling and placement decisions.

I hope to have that spec done by Monday so we can discuss on the spec.


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