On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 7:17 PM Chris Dent <cdent...@anticdent.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Sep 2018, melanie witt wrote:
> > I'm concerned about a lot of repetition here and maintenance headache for
> > operators. That's where the thoughts about whether we should provide
> > something like a key-value construct to API callers where they can instead
> > say:
> >
> > * RAID=10
> > * NUMA_CELL=0
> >
> > for each resource provider.
> >
> > If I'm off base with my example, please let me know. I'm not a placement
> > expert.
> >
> > Anyway, I hope that gives an idea of what I'm thinking about in this
> > discussion. I agree we need to pick a direction and go with it. I'm just
> > trying to look out for the experience operators are going to be using this
> > and maintaining it in their deployments.
> Despite saying "let's never do this" with regard to having formal
> support for key/values in placement, if we did choose to do it (if
> that's what we chose, I'd live with it), when would we do it? We
> have a very long backlog of features that are not yet done. I
> believe (I hope obviously) that we will be able to accelerate
> placement's velocity with it being extracted, but that won't be
> enough to suddenly be able to do quickly do all the things we have
> on the plate.
> Are we going to make people wait for some unknown amount of time,
> in the meantime? While there is a grammar that could do some of
> these things?
> Unless additional resources come on the scene I don't think is
> either feasible or reasonable for us to considering doing any model
> extending at this time (irrespective of the merit of the idea).
> In some kind of weird belief way I'd really prefer we keep the
> grammar placement exposes simple, because my experience with HTTP
> APIs strongly suggests that's very important, and that experience is
> effectively why I am here, but I have no interest in being a
> fundamentalist about it. We should argue about it strongly to make
> sure we get the right result, but it's not a huge deal either way.

Is there a spec up for this should anyone want to implement it?

> --
> Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
> freenode: cdent                                         tw: 
> @anticdent__________________________________________________________________________
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