2018-04-19 10:38 GMT+02:00 Balázs Gibizer <balazs.gibi...@ericsson.com>:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 12:45 AM, Eric Fried <openst...@fried.cc> wrote:
>>  I have a feeling we're just going to go back and forth on this, as we
>>>  have for weeks now, and not reach any conclusion that is satisfactory to
>>>  everyone. And we'll delay, yet again, getting functionality into this
>>>  release that serves 90% of use cases because we are obsessing over the
>>>  0.01% of use cases that may pop up later.
>> So I vote that, for the Rocky iteration of the granular spec, we add a
>> single `proximity={isolate|any}` qparam, required when any numbered
>> request groups are specified.  I believe this allows us to satisfy the
>> two NUMA use cases we care most about: "forced sharding" and "any fit".
>> And as you demonstrated, it leaves the way open for finer-grained and
>> more powerful semantics to be added in the future.
> Can the proximity param specify relationship between the un-numbered and
> the numbered groups as well or only between numbered groups?
> Besides that I'm +1 about proxyimity={isolate|any}
What's the default behaviour if we aren't providing the proximity qparam ?
Isolate or any ?

> Cheers,
> gibi
>> -efried
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