2018-03-22 21:29 GMT+09:00 Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com>:

> On 03/22/2018 02:51 AM, Jens Harbott wrote:
>> 2018-03-21 21:44 GMT+01:00 Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com>:
>>> Hey everybody!
>>> This upcoming Friday we're scheduled to complete the transition from
>>> python-openstacksdk to openstacksdk. This was started a while back (Tue
>>> Jun
>>> 16 12:05:38 2015 to be exact) by changing the name of what gets
>>> published to
>>> PyPI. Renaming the repo is to get those two back inline (and remove a
>>> hack
>>> in devstack to deal with them not being the same)
>>> Since this is a repo rename, it means that local git remotes will need
>>> to be
>>> updated. This can be done either via changing urls in .git/config - or by
>>> just re-cloning.
>>> Once that's done, we'll be in a position to migrate to storyboard. shade
>>> is
>>> already over there, which means we're currently split between storyboard
>>> and
>>> launchpad for the openstacksdk team repos.
>>> diablo_rojo has done a test migration and we're good to go there - so I'm
>>> thinking either Friday post-repo rename - or sometime early next week.
>>> Any
>>> thoughts or opinions?
>>> This will migrate bugs from launchpad for python-openstacksdk and
>>> os-client-config.
>> IMO this list is still much too long [0] and I expect it will make
>> dealing with the long backlog even more tedious if the bugs are moved.
> storyboard is certainly not perfect, but there are also great features it
> does have to help deal with backlog. We can set up a board, like we did for
> zuulv3:
> https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/41
> Jim also wrote 'boartty' which is like gertty but for doing storyboard
> things.
> Which is to say - it's got issues, but it's also got a bunch of positives
> too.
> Also there are lots of issues that intersect between sdk and
>> python-openstackclient, so moving both at the same time would also
>> sound reasonable.
> I could see waiting until we move python-openstackclient. However, we've
> got the issue already with shade bugs being in storyboard already and sdk
> bugs being in launchpad. With shade moving to having its implementation be
> in openstacksdk, over this cycle I expect the number of bugs people report
> against shade wind up actually being against openstacksdk to increase quite
> a bit.
> Maybe we should see if the python-openstackclient team wants to migrate
> too?

Although I have limited experience on storyboard, I think it is ready for
our bug tracking.
As Jens mentioned, not a small number of bugs are referred to from both OSC
and SDK.
One good news on OSC launchpad bug is that we do not use tag aggressively.
If Dean is okay, I believe we can migrate to storyboard.


> What do people think?
> Monty
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