2018-03-21 21:44 GMT+01:00 Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com>:
> Hey everybody!
> This upcoming Friday we're scheduled to complete the transition from
> python-openstacksdk to openstacksdk. This was started a while back (Tue Jun
> 16 12:05:38 2015 to be exact) by changing the name of what gets published to
> PyPI. Renaming the repo is to get those two back inline (and remove a hack
> in devstack to deal with them not being the same)
> Since this is a repo rename, it means that local git remotes will need to be
> updated. This can be done either via changing urls in .git/config - or by
> just re-cloning.
> Once that's done, we'll be in a position to migrate to storyboard. shade is
> already over there, which means we're currently split between storyboard and
> launchpad for the openstacksdk team repos.
> diablo_rojo has done a test migration and we're good to go there - so I'm
> thinking either Friday post-repo rename - or sometime early next week. Any
> thoughts or opinions?
> This will migrate bugs from launchpad for python-openstacksdk and
> os-client-config.

IMO this list is still much too long [0] and I expect it will make
dealing with the long backlog even more tedious if the bugs are moved.
Also there are lots of issues that intersect between sdk and
python-openstackclient, so moving both at the same time would also
sound reasonable.


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