On 13 December 2013 16:13, Alessandro Pilotti <
apilo...@cloudbasesolutions.com> wrote:

> 2) The HTTP metadata service accessible from the guest with its magic
> number is IMO quite far from an optimal solution. Since every hypervisor
> commonly
> used in OpenStack (e.g. KVM, XenServer, Hyper-V, ESXi) provides guest /
> host communication services, we could define a common abstraction layer
> which will
> include a guest side (to be included in cloud-init, cloudbase-init, etc)
> and a hypervisor side, to be implemented for each hypervisor and included
> in the related Nova drivers.
> This has already been proposed / implemented in various third party
> scenarios, but never under the OpenStack umbrella for multiple hypervisors.

Firstly, what's wrong with the single anycast IP address mechanism that
makes it 'not an optimal solution'?

While I agree we could, theoretically, make KVM, Xen, Docker, Hyper-V,
VMWare and so on all implement the same backdoor mechanism - unlikely as
that seems - and then implement a userspace mechanism to match in every
cloud-init service in Windows, Linux, *BSD (and we then have a problem with
niche OSes, too, so this mechanism had better be easy to implement, and
it's likely to involve the kernel) it's hard.  And we still come unstuck
when we get to bare metal, because these interfaces just can't be added
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