On 12/12/2013 10:24 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov wrote:
Clint, Kevin,
Thanks for reassuring me :-) I just wanted to make sure that having
direct access from VMs to a single facility is not a dead end in terms
of security and extensibility. And since it is not, I agree it is much
simpler (and hence better) than hypervisor-dependent design.
Then returning to two major suggestions made:
* Salt
* Custom solution specific to our needs
The custom solution could be made on top of oslo.messaging. That gives
us RPC working on different messaging systems. And that is what we
really need - an RPC into guest supporting various transports. What it
lacks at the moment is security - it has neither authentication nor ACL.
Salt also provides RPC service, but it has a couple of disadvantages:
it is tightly coupled with ZeroMQ and it needs a server process to
run. A single transport option (ZeroMQ) is a limitation we really want
to avoid. OpenStack could be deployed with various messaging
providers, and we can't limit the choice to a single option in the
guest agent. Though it could be changed in the future, it is an
obstacle to consider.
Running yet another server process within OpenStack, as it was already
pointed out, is expensive. It means another server to deploy and take
care of, +1 to overall OpenStack complexity. And it does not look it
could be fixed any time soon.
For given reasons I give favor to an agent based on oslo.messaging.
An agent based on oslo.messaging is a potential security attack vector
and a possible scalability problem. We do not want the guest agents
communicating over the same RPC servers as the rest of OpenStack
2013/12/11 Fox, Kevin M <kevin....@pnnl.gov <mailto:kevin....@pnnl.gov>>
Yeah. Its likely that the metadata server stuff will get more
scalable/hardened over time. If it isn't enough now, lets fix it
rather then coming up with a new system to work around it.
I like the idea of using the network since all the hypervisors
have to support network drivers already. They also already have to
support talking to the metadata server. This keeps OpenStack out
of the hypervisor driver business.
From: Clint Byrum [cl...@fewbar.com <mailto:cl...@fewbar.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:02 PM
To: openstack-dev
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 12:37:37
> >> What is the exact scenario you're trying to avoid?
> It is DDoS attack on either transport (AMQP / ZeroMQ provider)
or server
> (Salt / Our own self-written server). Looking at the design, it
> look like the attack could be somehow contained within a tenant
it is
> coming from.
We can push a tenant-specific route for the metadata server, and a
specific endpoint for in-agent things. Still simpler than
guests. I haven't seen anybody ask for this yet, though I'm sure
if they
run into these problems it will be the next logical step.
> In the current OpenStack design I see only one similarly vulnerable
> component - metadata server. Keeping that in mind, maybe I just
> overestimate the threat?
Anything you expose to the users is "vulnerable". By using the
hypervisor scheme you're now making the compute node itself
Only now you're asking that an already complicated thing
add another job, rate limiting.
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