On 10/22/2013 02:12 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2013-10-22 01:45:13 +0800 (+0800), Thomas Goirand wrote:
> [...]
>> The main problem I was facing was that troveclient has a few files
>> stating that HP was the sole copyright holder, when it clearly was
>> not (since I have discussed a bit with some the dev team in
>> Portland, IIRC some of them are from Rackspace...).
> [...]
>> So, for me, the clean and easy way to fix this problem is to have a
>> simple copyright-holder.txt file, containing a list of company or
>> individuals. It doesn't really mater if some entities forget to write
>> themselves in. After all, that'd be their fault, no?
> [...]
> I don't really see the difference here at all. You propose going
> from...
>     A) copyright claims in headers of files, which contributors
>     might forget to update
> ...to...
>     B) copyright claims in one file, which contributors might also
>     forget to update
> I don't understand how adding a file full of duplicate information
> to each project is going to solve your actual concern.

My idea was that in the case of B, it's more easy to fix/patch a single
file than lots of them, and also that the existence of the file itself
is an invitation for copyright holders to add themselves in, while a
copyright header in a source code isn't that explicit.

Though I can agree of course, that in both cases, contributors might
forget to add themselves in...


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