> Hi Murali, welcome to the OpenStack community. Some comments inline...
Hi Jay,
Thanks for your comments. I have been involved with OpenStack since Diablo time 
frame, but mostly monitoring the traffic. Always great to be part of the 

My comments are inline.
> On 08/28/2013 06:12 PM, Murali Balcha wrote:
>> Hello Stackers,
>> We would like to introduce a new project Raksha, a Data Protection As a
>> Service (DPaaS) for OpenStack Cloud.
>> Raksha’s primary goal is to provide a comprehensive Data Protection for
>> OpenStack by leveraging Nova, Swift, Glance and Cinder. Raksha has
>> following key features:
>> 1.Provide an enterprise grade data protection for OpenStack based clouds
> What is "enterprise grade"? Any time I hear that term, I think of Deloitte 
> and Touche salespeople trying to convince some sucker CIO that "expensive == 
> good". I'd prefer to just leave the whole "enterprise" thing for the 
> marketing folks and stick to the specific engineering features ;)
I hear you. Will take out the market jargon and stick to technical 
>> 2.Tenant administered backups and restores
>> 3.Application consistent backups
> Can you expand on this a bit? Data is backed up, not applications... that's 
> what source control is for :)

 I meant a VM and all its associated resources such as data volumes are backed 
up consistently. And if the application is a multi tier application that is 
spread across multiple vms, then all the vms should be backed up together 
consistently too. 
>> 4.Point In Time(PiT) full and incremental backups and restores
> Cool, very useful.
>> 5.Dedupe at source for efficient backups
> Hmmm... this would depend heavily on what is being backed up and the level of 
> access that Raksha would have to the tenant's application domains. Unless you 
> are going to limit yourself to just backing up and restoring instances or 
> volumes? Is that the plan?

Yes, that is the plan. We don't have plans to look into vms and backup any 
individual resources with in a vm.
>> 6.A job scheduler for periodic backups
> Cron?
Yes, similar.
>> 7.Noninvasive backup solution that does not require service interruption
>> during backup window
> By "service", are you referring to the tenant's applications running on the 
> instance? Or are you referring to something else?

A service similar to either nova or cinder. We don't want to run any agents 
inside tenant vms.
> Also, one thing that is really good to expose/debate/discuss early on in the 
> project's incubation is the RESTful API that the project would expose. I'd be 
> really interested to see this.

Absolutely. We took a first stab of the list restful API that raksha need to 
support in our wiki @ http://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/raksha.
> Finally, would be good to include in the wiki page some discussion about any 
> interaction with Trove (DBaaS), especially since Trove's API already 
> implements a backups/ resource [1].
That is a good point.  we will include that in the wiki.

> Best,
> -jay
> [1] 
> https://github.com/openstack/database-api/blob/master/openstack-database-api/src/markdown/database-api-v1.md#backups
>> You will find the rationale behind the need for Raksha in OpenStack in
>> its Wiki. The wiki also has the preliminary design and the API
>> description.Some of the Raksha functionality may overlap with Nova and
>> Cinder projects and as a community lets work together to coordinate the
>> features among these projects. We would like to seek out early feedback
>> so we can address as many issues as we can in the first code drop. We
>> are hoping to enlist the OpenStack community help in making Raksha a
>> part of OpenStack.
>> Raksha’s project resources:
>> Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Raksha
>> Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/raksha
>> Github: https://github.com/DPaaS-Raksha/Raksha (We will upload a
>> prototype code in few days)
>> If you want to talk to us, send an email to
>> openstack-...@lists.launchpad.net with "[raksha]" in the subject or use
>> #openstack-raksha irc channel.
>> Best Regards,
>> Murali Balcha
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