
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Murali Balcha <murali.bal...@triliodata.com
> wrote:

>   Hello Stackers,
> We would like to introduce a new project Raksha, a Data Protection As a
> Service (DPaaS) for OpenStack Cloud.
> Raksha’s primary goal is to provide a comprehensive Data Protection for
> OpenStack by leveraging Nova, Swift, Glance and Cinder. Raksha has
> following key features:
>  1.       Provide an enterprise grade data protection for OpenStack based
> clouds
>  2.       Tenant administered backups and restores
>  3.       Application consistent backups
>  4.       Point In Time(PiT) full and incremental backups and restores
>  5.       Dedupe at source for efficient backups
>  6.       A job scheduler for periodic backups
>  7.       Noninvasive backup solution that does not require service
> interruption during backup window
> You will find the rationale behind the need for Raksha in OpenStack in its
> Wiki. The wiki also has the preliminary design and the API description.  Some
> of the Raksha functionality may overlap with Nova and Cinder projects and
> as a community lets work together to coordinate the features among these
> projects. We would like to seek out early feedback so we can address as
> many issues as we can in the first code drop. We are hoping to enlist the
> OpenStack community help in making Raksha a part of OpenStack.
> Raksha’s project resources:
> Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Raksha
> Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/raksha
> Github: https://github.com/DPaaS-Raksha/Raksha (We will upload a
> prototype code in few days)
> If you want to talk to us, send an email to
> openstack-...@lists.launchpad.net with "[raksha]" in the subject or use
> #openstack-raksha irc channel.
> Best Regards,
> Murali Balcha
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