Not speaking for the team here (especially because I'm not in viewer 
development), just myself as a Lion user (Mid-2009 MBP, NVidia):  

There are only two major Lion-specific bugs that have bitten my own use so far. 

One is Freaky Polygons, which was quickly eased by turning off OpenGL vertex 
buffer objects (VBOs) in the Graphics->Hardware settings. There's a fix of some 
kind in the pipeline.
The other is a weird problem with certain web views (such as Profiles) showing 
up with no CSS or JS; this turned out to be SSL cert related, and there's a fix 
for this one in the pipeline too.

Apart from those two bugs, the viewer Works On My Machineā„¢. I hope it also 
answers the overall question: yes, attention is being paid.

-- Yoz

On Monday, August 15, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Lee ponzu wrote:

> How much attention is being paid to Lion?  I think the natives are starting 
> to get restless.
> ponzu  
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