On 2011-08-15, at 17:57, Lee ponzu wrote: > How much attention is being paid to Lion? I think the natives are starting > to get restless.
If you only wish to build on Mac OS X Lion with Xcode 4 you could look at <https://bitbucket.org/Mimika_Oh/viewer-development/changesets/tip/user('mimika.oh%40gmail.com')%20and%20branch('mimika-macosx107build')> which "works for me". We also try to figure out some backward compatibility issues with this patch at <http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-2576>. The viewer seems to build fine with Mac OS X 10.6 SDK but not with 10.7 because it is using some very old library calls. It would be very nice to make a nice Cocoa window especially with Lion's new "full screen" option. What other attention do you have in mind? _______________________________________________ Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/OpenSource-Dev Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges