I would love to see emerald continue and grow. I for one actually like  
emerald. however. I find it odd that 3 of the devs are known for creating  
copybot/griefer clients. And with emerald alone 2 of the devs have created  
malicious code inside of emerald. Yet only one of the devs was asked to  
leave. While mr user data leakage remains on the team. Personally it  
appears to me that this is nothing more than a set up to shadow or sweep  
away the dirt that has been being flung around about the viewer. Fractured  
is asked to step down and walk away. But Fractured is the dev that  
purchased the license to build emkdu. Phox built the emkdu with user data  
leakage. And now they will be using a "clean" emkdu. Who is building the  
emkdu now? Fractured? Phox? of did one of the other devs run out and  
purchase a license to do so? Changing the server which hosts the client  
does nothing for saving face. And as long as Phox is a part of the  
team,(considering the fact that Phox and Jaycool are closer than twins)  
Fractured will still have access to changing code. If LL allows this to  
continue the TPVP is a joke. Hopefully the rest of you that use emerald  
will be more cautious about the client when you run it. After what we have  
seen thus far.....god only knows whats next.
On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 05:21:35 -0400, Miro Collas <miro.col...@gmail.com>  

> I don't want to start a war of any kind, but let me suggest that you ask
> for evidence before believing what people say in chat or elsewhere.
> There are people who would love to see Emerald crumble, and have no
> problem deceiving, misleading or plain lying. I have seen this done on
> this list, in forums (SLU especially) and in group chat. So, be very
> wary of whose word you believe.
> For my part, the interview on treet.tv was enough to convince me to
> remain an Emerald user. That combined with knowing Jessica enough to
> trust her word.
> On 08/23/2010 04:24 AM, Jesse Barnett wrote:
>> Really wish that was true but you saw Katharine's comments in irc.
>> Absolutely nothing has changed with Emerald except for the servers.
>> Here is hoping that both Philip and legal are not deceived so easily.
>> Jesse Barnett
>> On Monday, August 23, 2010, Tateru Nino<tateru.n...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>     And now, perhaps, we can get back to the important stuff, like the
>> viewer itself.
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