Careful with the wording, Soft. :-)  [Bad wording is the reason for much of
this thread, sadly.]

You didn't actually mean, I hope: "Most apply to any third-party viewer
however, even if you aren't distributing it."

What you meant was, I hope: "Most apply to any third-party viewer when that
viewer connects to the SL service, even if you aren't distributing it."

Legally, there is a world of difference.  The original wording applies also
when the third party viewer is used to connect to Opensim, for example,
which you have no legal power nor community-friendly reason to restrict.

We don't usually need to speak with mind-numbing precision, and can rely on
context for brevity, but that absolutely does not work in the current
subject with its legal ramifications.

These dratted words, they're such a pain.  Instead of saying what we mean,
they say what they say. :D



On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Soft Linden <> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Jay Reynolds Freeman
> <> wrote:
> >
> > But what if there is no "third party"?  What if I develop a modified
> version of the SL viewer all by myself, and use it to log in to the SL
> servers, but do not distribute either source or binary for it?  Since there
> is no additional, "third" party involved in the creation and use of this
> viewer, it would appear that nothing in the "Linden Lab Policy on
> Third-Party Viewers" applies to it or to me.
> >
> The FAQ and revised TPV, coming soon, will address this directly.
> There are some terms in there that don't apply if you aren't putting
> the viewer in the registry, and they will be identified as such. Most
> apply to any third-party viewer however, even if you aren't
> distributing it.
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