On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:50 AM, Marine Kelley <marinekel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You gotta be kiddin me !! I call that a stab in the back. You guys disgust
> me.
> Your Third-Party Viewer name must not be confusingly similar to or use any
> part of a Linden Lab trademark, including “Second,” “Life,” “SL,” or
> “Linden.” For example:
> You must not have a Third-Party Viewer name that is “________ Life” where
> “________” is a term or series of terms

I talked to legal to ask if there were any concessions they could make
- I know there are hundreds of items that use your name, which makes
this really disruptive. Unfortunately they maintain that we put our
trademark at risk without consistent enforcement. They can't budge.
However, they were willing to offer some extra time for transitioning
to a new name, as well as help in making sure people can still find
your viewer based on the old name.

First, you wouldn't need to change the name right away. They were okay
with giving three months to make a change, in hopes that that's enough
time to do so without a rush or an extra release.

Second, if you're able to do that, you can still be listed in the
viewer registry right away. You'd need to select a new name for the
viewer, but "(formerly Restrained Life)" will be shown underneath the
name so there's no question as to which viewer people would download
if they came in search of your own.

If there's anyone else with an established viewer name that conflicts
with the viewer policy, and who wants to be included in the registry,
the same offer is open to you as well.
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