On 2/23/2010 6:05 PM, Lawson English wrote:
Vex Streeter wrote:
Soft Linden wrote:
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Mike Dickson <mike.dick...@hp.com>
On 02/23/2010 02:16 PM, Gigs wrote:
You all realize this is massively incompatible with the GPL, right?
Not at all. They're not restricting access to the code. They're
restricting access to their service. And defining the terms under
that service is provided.
Mike's correct.
If you see any wording that's ambiguous about that, let us know.
Section 1c unambiguously imposes a GPL-incompatible download and/or
installation requirement that is unrelated to the use of the software
with the SL grid(s).
The preamble specifically states that the policy only applies to
viewers meant to be used by SL. In essence, LL reserves the right to
deny access to viewers that don meet their requirements.
But that isn't what the policy says:
1. Required Functionality and Disclosures
If you are a Developer of Third-Party Viewers, we require the
following of all Third-Party Viewers:
c. On your software download page or in another location that a user
must visit before installing the Third-Party Viewer, you must
disclose the following:
[1.c.i - 1.c.v contents don't matter at all to the GPL]
These are constraints which explicitly place new unconditional
restrictions on the _delivery_of_software_ (derivative works of the SL
viewer codebase) by third party developers to end-users and downstream
developers, *not* constraints on connecting to LL's services. This is
one of the mechanisms (if not the content) of constraint that FSF
carefully designed GPL to discourage.
MY concern is about prototyping viewers. I can certainly add a thing
to timestamp a version string during login, but with smalltalk, I'm
constantly tweaking the code *while* I'm connected to SL. Does this
mean I have to log out every time I modify something in my squeak
client just so I can change the version string?
Even if I don't change the SL viewer code, but only something else in
the Squeak image, its still part of the same application due to how
Smalltalk works. So any time I'm connected to SL using smalltalk, and
I play with the workspace to test a new one-liner, I'm effectively
changing the viewer code, and must log out and back in with a new
version string...
Only partly joking here. Taking this policy to its extreme may sound
silly, but people are correct: its poorly worded.
heh - then client-side scripting (of whichever varieties) will be
generally problematic, as will any users of the media api.
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