W dniu 2011-11-03 10:52:11 użytkownik Thomas Petazzoni 
<thomas.petazz...@free-electrons.com> napisał:
> > 1. Try changing the speed of JTAG to be 1/8th of core speed.
> I have tried with adapter_khz 5 or jtag_rclk 2, and not better. Since
> the JTAG is capable of finding the tap/device, doesn't that mean that
> the communication is working, and thus that the jtag speed is correct?

What's the core speed of your chip? Probably something high, so try high speed 
of JTAG - 1000 kHz (1MHz) - 5kHz is really slow, "rclk 2" should give something 
like 2MHz (6MHz / (2+1)), but I'm not sure what it will do if JTAG adapter does 
not support adaptive clocking (FT2232D does not).
You may also try "reset_config srst_pulls_trst" or other configurations...

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