On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Steve Bennett <ste...@workware.net.au> wrote:
> On 10/08/2011, at 6:15 PM, Xiaofan Chen wrote:
>> But I am happy now since direct MinGW build works and direct Cygwin
>> build also works.
> Thanks. That's good enough for me.

Just for those who can not wait for Freddie Chopin's binary, here is a test
binary build of OpenOCD-0.5.0.
This is a test build of OpenOCD-0.5.0 release under MinGW. YMMV.

Take note that OpenOCD is licensed under GPL.
The source codes of OpenOCD-0.5.0 can be downloaded from the
project website.

The build is configured with the following option so that only J-Link
and FT2232_libftdi hardware are supported.
../configure --enable-jlink --enable-ft2232_libftdi

I also include relevant files for libftdi-0.19 and libusb-win32 release.
Please refer to the Readme.txt file within the libftdi_libusb-win32 directory.
In particular, it talks about driver installation options for FTDI
based hardware.

I include this one in the zip file as well.
This is for developers who want to use libftdi-0.19 under Windows using
MinGW. It includes libusb-win32 ( release) driver installer from
 libusb-win32 project.

It includes the following.
1) include file for libftdi-0.19 and libusb-win32
2) MinGW 32bit dll  for libftdi-0.19
3) MinGW import and static library for libftdi-0.19
4) MinGW 32 bit build of libftdi-0.19 examples.
5) libusb-win32 device driver and filter driver installer which work under
32bit/64bit Windows.

System requirements: Windows 2000, XP 32bit/64bit, Vista 32bit/64bit,
Windows 7 32bit/64bit. 32bit/64bit Windows 2003/2008/2008R2 should
 also work.

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