On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.har...@zylin.com> wrote:
> I'll update the berlios and sourceforge to reflect the active
> maintainers. We would of course be delighted if anyone
> below decides to take a more active role again and re-enabling
> them is quickly done.
> Lately Spencer Oliver and I have been the de-facto maintainers
> of OpenOCD.
> These should be removed from Berlios as they are inactive:
>       duane (Duane Ellis)
>       vpalatin (Vincent Palatin)
>       mlu (Magnus Lundin)
>       drath (Dominic Rath)
>       bodylove (Carsten Schlote)
>       kc8apf (Rick Altherr)
>       zwelch (Zach Welch)
> These should be removed from sourceforge, no longer active:
> duaneellis      duaneellis
> mlusf   Magnus Lundin
> npitre  Nicolas Pitre
> zwelch  Zach Welch

Looking at the list, this somehow reminds me of those heated
discussions about GPL and D2XX.

Last one by Zach Welsh.

Both side of course have their points. Personally I am more with the opinion
of adding the D2xx linking exception which Dominic, Rick, Spencer,
Magnus Lundin and others agreed. On the other hand, Øyvind Harboe,
Zach Welsh, David Brownell and others are more with the pure GPL side.
In the end, it is not possible to relicense OpenOCD to add D2xx linking

After that discussions, Dominic Rath (original author), Rick Altherr
(0.1 release manager) and a few others quit the project.

Zach helped the 0.2 release as the release manager and then disappeared
and the briefly appeared again as a Codesourcery engineer assigned to
Linario and then disappeared again (I think he is no longer on Linario)

The late David Brownell helped the 0.3/0.4 release as the release

Anyway,  this is just history and I have no intention to bring back
the discussions again. I tend to think libftdi-1.0 async support
should be introduced (just like UrJtag) and then bridge the
performance gap between libftdi and libftdi-1.0. On the other
hand, libftdi-1.0 is not yet formally released and it will also
depend on libusb-1.0.9 release for Windows users which the
latest OpenOCD maintainer Peter Stuge is the maintainer.

Now somebody needs to step in for the 0.5 release. :-)

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